The HLS Team

Terry W. Cady

40 years healthcare finance experience

Built and managed healthcare lending practices for CIBC, Bank of America and Affinity Bank

Was in charge of healthcare ABL programs for DVIBC, and Heller Finance

Sourced and Managed $1.2B in healthcare corporate finance loans – LBO, Letter of Credits, and capital expansion

Managed the entire ABL process – collateral valuation, underwriting, collateral management and lock box activities for three large healthcare lenders

Dennis Fliegelman

Chief principal and founder of healthcare finance consulting firm providing leading edge RCM analytics to minimize lending risk, has 40 years of healthcare industry experience.

Provides insurance recovery, auditing and due diligence to healthcare entities of all types

Professor healthcare administration and finance

Served in numerous roles as a hospital administrator and corporate COO, CFO, and CEO

Former Director of Business Development & Analysis and a Strategic Planner

Pete Gratale

Serial entrepreneur focused mainly in the Healthcare IT space with overlap into social media and video production.

Principle in EHR company providing a Meaningful Use Stage 2 certified EHR/Practice Management System.

Principal in healthcare billing services company providing RCM and auditing services to a variety of specialties.

30 years experience in healthcare, founder of over 15 companies.

Reynold Yordy

20 years experience in Healthcare IT and Programming

Founder of companies that provide urgent care management, healthcare software development and at home chronic care management

Built and managed cloud services business unit and provided information systems product leadership for FUJIFILM Medical

Served as CTO  for a multi-national, publicly traded company providing telemedicine and cloud based services to healthcare facilities.